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Not Flowstone related - Ruby code question

For general discussion related FlowStone

Re: Not Flowstone related - Ruby code question

Postby tulamide » Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:28 am

trogluddite wrote:
TheOm wrote:I haven't found any actual use of __add_one_arg_setter in the code though, just an undef, so not sure why they need it.

The method is used within the C-extension which wraps the Cairo library (required as "" in the Ruby code, and defined in the "ext/cairo" sub-folder of the Git repo). Since C++ code can't use "=" in member-function names, the "set_..." naming convention is used internally, and then the method in question is called to convert these into Ruby attr_writers when the extension is 'required'. Once the extension is loaded, the conversion method isn't needed any more and is undefined.

So the method does serve a useful purpose; though I agree with tulamide that it's coded in a pretty clumsy way - and there's even part of it that does nothing useful at all (presumably a silly oversight)...
Code: Select all
include? "#{$1}="

This will always be false, as the Array of method names will contain Symbols, not Strings!

PS) The use of the C-extension implies that some Visual Studio C++ compilation would be required to get the library working in FlowStone.

trog, thank you very much for explaining the background, which is important! You are right that it makes sense, as you explain it. Unfortunately this brings up another question: Does this code read C-functions and replaces setters with Ruby code? You see, I seem to have not quite figured it out yet. :lol:
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