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FS 2.0.1 crashes on startup

For general discussion related FlowStone

FS 2.0.1 crashes on startup

Postby bmrps » Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:38 am


This morning i wanted to start FS and it keeps to crash right after starting... tried reinstalling, system backup, cleaning registry... nothing worked... anyone got an idea???

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Re: FS 2.0.1 crashes on startup

Postby trogluddite » Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:48 pm

Might be worth checking your 'Document and Settings' folders. AFAIK that doesn't get cleared by a re-install, but there'll be a folder in there that holds custom toolbox modules and 'Recovery' files.
Maybe the toolbox is trying to load something that it doesn't like the taste of, or there is a corrupted Recovery file that FS is trying to access; so temporarily re-naming the folder might get things working. If so, you can start copying stuff back to try and find the culprit.
If not, that's also where you'll find a crash dump that you can e-mail to DSPRobotics to help them get to the bottom of it.

Good luck!
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Re: FS 2.0.1 crashes on startup

Postby support » Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:13 pm

Is it crashing or does it just fail to start?

If you can see FlowStone.exe in Task Manager but don't see the application window then try this:

  1. First make sure you kill any instances of FlowStone you see in the task manager
  2. Click the Windows Start button, type RegEdit in the search box and press return (click Yes on the security dialog)
  3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DSPRobotics
  4. Expand this node to reveal the FlowStone node underneath
  5. Right-click on FlowStone and select Delete. You will be asked to confirm this.
  6. Now close RegEdit and run FlowStone again

Note that this will reset your FlowStone preferences back to defaults.
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