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digest - base64 - std library

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digest - base64 - std library

Postby Tronic » Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:34 pm

no present this standard library function?
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Re: digest - base64 - std library

Postby CoreStylerz » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:16 pm

Tronic wrote:no present this standard library function?

Take a look for that: ... e64#p88384
It works also in FS.
Contains the base64 encode/decode.
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Re: digest - base64 - std library

Postby Tronic » Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:39 pm

THX CoreStylerz.
unfortunately only the base64, will not let me use the primitive "Network-Server & Client" effectively.
The DIGEST is very important if you want to have the ability to create systems challenge on the Web.
For example, to connect to a server with a username and password, the server typically sends me a code challenge, we use a sha-1 and base64, to respond to it and create a secure connection.
I will not speak of systems created by me, but the various protocols used in the web to date.

Then it is assumed that the Ruby primitive, has not included for the entire Standard Library of Ruby Language.

Ruby Standard Library QuickRef
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Re: digest - base64 - std library

Postby trogluddite » Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:32 pm

Hi Tronic,
i just had an interesting little discussion with the developers about this issue.
It seems that not including the entire library was a conscious decision. If libraries are used, it is necessary that they are present on any machine that makes use of the .exe export - easily leading to 'broken' programs for folks who do not realise the need to have the "support" libraries installled. So it has been assumed that "power users" will need to take responsibility for their own library management.
The "require" method is fully functional - so it is possible to use any library that you might need by "requiring" them from a regular Ruby installation (freely available as the Ruby One Click Windows Installer). Easiest thing is to use that Windows Ruby installer, and then at the start of your code, add the appropriate library directories to the "$:" system variable, thus...
$: << <pathname>
Those directories will then be added to the "require" search paths, and you will have access to every one of the standard libraries.
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