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Need custom GUI examples

For general discussion related FlowStone

Need custom GUI examples

Postby quan1884 » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:46 pm

Hi Guys,

I'm having a tough time understanding how to use some of the GUI components.
I want to learn how to add animated gif to my projects.
If anyone knows how do this please send me an example or a tutorial.

Thank you in advance to everyone who respond.

David Q
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Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:41 pm

Re: Need custom GUI examples

Postby Morph » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:47 am


I think animated gif is not supported. However animation is easily made with a strip of pictures like the animated knob using KnobMan.
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Re: Need custom GUI examples

Postby quan1884 » Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:10 pm

Hi Morph,

I know how to do animation but I want to know how to add it to Flowstone.
What I want to do is add animation to a button, or and animation slide bar, or just have some animation on the background also.

So you think Flowstone doesn't support this?
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Re: Need custom GUI examples

Postby Morph » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:24 pm


Yes, this is how the Animated knob works. You can load a strip of pictures and animate with the mouse. If you need it to animate automatically i made an example how it can be done by edit the Animated knob and a timer. You can then load you own strip from the knob properties and set tempo on the timer.
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Re: Need custom GUI examples

Postby trogluddite » Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:24 pm

Flowstone/SynthMaker does not directly support animated file formats.
It works by having all frames as one image, then show only part of the image for one frame by choosing the 'area' to display.

You can easily make the right kind of image by...
Save your animation as individual frames... Image 001, Image 002, Image 003... etc.
Import into an 'Image' layer in knobman using the 'multiple frames' option.
Save as a 'stiched' image from knobman- the stitched image can then be used in FlowStone.

Knobman is freeware, you can download it from here... LINK
For making knobs, sliders, meters etc. it is a very useful piece of software.

For more useful lessons on GUI parts, look at the SynthMaker forum - SynthMaker is mostly the same as FlowStone, but it is much older, so there are many good examples, and people with lots of experience of making GUI using these components.
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