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Reading Shared Memory file
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Reading Shared Memory file
Anybody can help with an example that can READ DATA from a file in Shared Memory ??
Anybody can help with an example that can READ DATA from a file in Shared Memory ??
- frank-riedel
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:36 am
Re: Reading Shared Memory file
frankriedel wrote:No one ????
What you want to do?
You're thinking to share something between more than one program?
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Experienced Java, J2EE, PHP, Javascript, Angular, Cloud Solutions developer.
CoreStylerz - Posts: 327
- Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:19 am
- Location: italy
Re: Reading Shared Memory file
Yep.... i allready have a memory file "xxxx.h" from another program (non that i have made)
running in memory - i want to read data from this file - how do i do ????
running in memory - i want to read data from this file - how do i do ????
- frankriedel
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:45 pm
Re: Reading Shared Memory file
frankriedel wrote:Yep.... i allready have a memory file "xxxx.h" from another program (non that i have made)
running in memory - i want to read data from this file - how do i do ????
Depending on the nature of the data and how you want to process this data.
To read any kind of textual data, you can use load text file primitive. Then, you get data at the index you need using array get at.
Obiviously to find a correct data of any index, you should know how the other program works. And this will be easier if the program uses fixed indexing.
Another solution is to "find" a string inside the text file... Etc.
There are many solutions, and ruby can do more (but im a synthmaker user so ruby is to be explored for me).
If the file data.h is compiled, and non readable this makes a lot of problems. Maybe running Ruby you can decompile it, but will not be so easy as i said before.
If is readable, just create your custom data parser.
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Experienced Java, J2EE, PHP, Javascript, Angular, Cloud Solutions developer.
CoreStylerz - Posts: 327
- Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:19 am
- Location: italy
Re: Reading Shared Memory file
Wonderfull - something to try playing arround with....
here is "flightData.h" file i need to read from...
#ifndef _FLIGHT_DATA_H
#define _FLIGHT_DATA_H
class FlightData
enum LightBits
MasterCaution = 0x1,
// Brow Lights
TF = 0x2,
OBS = 0x4,
ALT = 0x8,
WOW = 0x10, // MD -- NB: this is not a lamp bit!
ENG_FIRE = 0x20,
CONFIG = 0x40,
HYD = 0x80,
OIL = 0x100,
DUAL = 0x200,
CAN = 0x400,
T_L_CFG = 0x800,
// AOA Indexers
AOAAbove = 0x1000,
AOAOn = 0x2000,
AOABelow = 0x4000,
// Refuel/NWS
RefuelRDY = 0x8000,
RefuelAR = 0x10000,
RefuelDSC = 0x20000,
// Caution Lights
FltControlSys = 0x40000,
LEFlaps = 0x80000,
EngineFault = 0x100000,
Overheat = 0x200000,
FuelLow = 0x400000,
Avionics = 0x800000,
RadarAlt = 0x1000000,
IFF = 0x2000000,
ECM = 0x4000000,
Hook = 0x8000000,
NWSFail = 0x10000000,
CabinPress = 0x20000000,
AutoPilotOn = 0x40000000, // MD -- 20031125: is AP on?? NB: This is not a lamp bit!
TFR_STBY = 0x80000000,
// MD 20031016: Use this with the MAL/IND light code in cautions.cpp
// please update this is you add/change bits!
AllLampBitsOn = 0xBFFFFFEF
enum LightBits2
// Threat Warning Prime
HandOff = 0x1,
Launch = 0x2,
PriMode = 0x4,
Naval = 0x8,
Unk = 0x10,
TgtSep = 0x20,
// Aux Threat Warning
AuxSrch = 0x1000,
AuxAct = 0x2000,
AuxLow = 0x4000,
AuxPwr = 0x8000,
// ECM
EcmPwr = 0x10000,
EcmFail = 0x20000,
// Caution Lights
FwdFuelLow = 0x40000,
AftFuelLow = 0x80000,
//Engine lights
EPUOn = 0x100000,
JFSOn = 0x200000,
SEC = 0x400000,
OXY_LOW = 0x800000,
PROBEHEAT = 0x1000000,
SEAT_ARM = 0x2000000,
BUC = 0x4000000,
FUEL_OIL_HOT = 0x8000000,
ANTI_SKID = 0x10000000,
TFR_ENGAGED = 0x20000000,
GEARHANDLE = 0x40000000,
ENGINE = 0x80000000, // lower half of glareshield ENG FIRE/ENGINE lamp
// MD 20031016: Use this with the MAL/IND light code in cautions.cpp
// please update this is you add/change bits!
AllLampBits2On = 0xFFFFF03F
enum LightBits3
FlcsPmg = 0x1,
MainGen = 0x2,
StbyGen = 0x4,
EpuGen = 0x8,
EpuPmg = 0x10,
ToFlcs = 0x20,
FlcsRly = 0x40,
BatFail = 0x80,
Hydrazine = 0x100,
Air = 0x200,
Elec_Fault = 0x400,
Lef_Fault = 0x800,
Power_Off = 0x1000, // Set if there is no electrical power
Eng2_Fire = 0x2000,//TJL 01/24/04 Multi-engine
Lock = 0x4000,//TJL 01/24/04 Lock Light Cue
Shoot = 0x8000,//TJL 01/24/04 Shoot light cue
NoseGearDown = 0x10000, // MD -- 20040301: on means down and locked
LeftGearDown = 0x20000, // MD -- 20040301: on means down and locked
RightGearDown = 0x40000, // MD -- 20040301: on means down and locked
// MD 20031016: Use this with the MAL/IND light code in cautions.cpp
// please update this is you add/change bits!
AllLampBits3On = 0x0007EFFF
enum HsiBits
ToTrue = 0x01, // HSI_FLAG_TO_TRUE
IlsWarning = 0x02, // HSI_FLAG_ILS_WARN
CourseWarning = 0x04, // HSI_FLAG_CRS_WARN
Init = 0x08, // HSI_FLAG_INIT
TotalFlags = 0x10, // HSI_FLAG_TOTAL_FLAGS ???
ADI_OFF = 0x20, // ADI OFF Flag
ADI_AUX = 0x40, // ADI AUX Flag
ADI_GS = 0x80, // ADI GS FLAG
ADI_LOC = 0x100, // ADI LOC FLAG
HSI_OFF = 0x200, // HSI OFF Flag
BUP_ADI_OFF = 0x400, // Backup ADI Off Flag
VVI = 0x800, // VVI OFF Flag
AOA = 0x1000, // AOA OFF Flag
AVTR = 0x2000, // AVTR Light
// MD 20031016: Use this with the MAL/IND light code in cautions.cpp
// please update this is you add/change bits!
AllLampHsiBitsOn = 0x2000
// These are outputs from the sim
float x; // Ownship North (Ft)
float y; // Ownship East (Ft)
float z; // Ownship Down (Ft)
float xDot; // Ownship North Rate (ft/sec)
float yDot; // Ownship East Rate (ft/sec)
float zDot; // Ownship Down Rate (ft/sec)
float alpha; // Ownship AOA (Degrees)
float beta; // Ownship Beta (Degrees)
float gamma; // Ownship Gamma (Radians)
float pitch; // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
float roll; // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
float yaw; // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
float mach; // Ownship Mach number
float kias; // Ownship Indicated Airspeed (Knots)
float vt; // Ownship True Airspeed (Ft/Sec)
float gs; // Ownship Normal Gs
float windOffset; // Wind delta to FPM (Radians)
float nozzlePos; // Ownship engine nozzle percent open (0-100)
float nozzlePos2; // Ownship engine nozzle2 percent open (0-100) //TJL 01/14/04 Multi-engine
float internalFuel; // Ownship internal fuel (Lbs)
float externalFuel; // Ownship external fuel (Lbs)
float fuelFlow; // Ownship fuel flow (Lbs/Hour)
float rpm; // Ownship engine rpm (Percent 0-103)
float rpm2; // Ownship engine rpm2 (Percent 0-103) //TJL 01/14/04 multi-engine
float ftit; // Ownship Forward Turbine Inlet Temp (Degrees C)
float ftit2; // Ownship Forward Turbine Inlet Temp2 (Degrees C)//TJL 01/14/04 multi-engine
float gearPos; // Ownship Gear position 0 = up, 1 = down;
float speedBrake; // Ownship speed brake position 0 = closed, 1 = 60 Degrees open
float epuFuel; // Ownship EPU fuel (Percent 0-100)
float oilPressure; // Ownship Oil Pressure (Percent 0-100)
float oilPressure2; // Ownship Oil Pressure2 (Percent 0-100)//TJL 01/14/04 Multi-engine
int lightBits; // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum
// These are inputs. Use them carefully
float headPitch; // Head pitch offset from design eye (radians)
float headRoll; // Head roll offset from design eye (radians)
float headYaw; // Head yaw offset from design eye (radians)
// new lights
int lightBits2; // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum
int lightBits3; // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum
// chaff/flare
float ChaffCount; // Number of Chaff left
float FlareCount; // Number of Flare left
// landing gear
float NoseGearPos; // Position of the nose landinggear
float LeftGearPos; // Position of the left landinggear
float RightGearPos; // Position of the right landinggear
// ADI values
float AdiIlsHorPos; // Position of horizontal ILS bar
float AdiIlsVerPos; // Position of vertical ILS bar
// HSI states
int courseState; // HSI_STA_CRS_STATE
int headingState; // HSI_STA_HDG_STATE
int totalStates; // HSI_STA_TOTAL_STATES ???
// HSI values
float courseDeviation; // HSI_VAL_CRS_DEVIATION
float desiredCourse; // HSI_VAL_DESIRED_CRS
float distanceToBeacon; // HSI_VAL_DISTANCE_TO_BEACON
float bearingToBeacon; // HSI_VAL_BEARING_TO_BEACON
float currentHeading; // HSI_VAL_CURRENT_HEADING
float desiredHeading; // HSI_VAL_DESIRED_HEADING
float deviationLimit; // HSI_VAL_DEV_LIMIT
float halfDeviationLimit; // HSI_VAL_HALF_DEV_LIMIT
float localizerCourse; // HSI_VAL_LOCALIZER_CRS
float airbaseX; // HSI_VAL_AIRBASE_X
float airbaseY; // HSI_VAL_AIRBASE_Y
float totalValues; // HSI_VAL_TOTAL_VALUES ???
float TrimPitch; // Value of trim in pitch axis, -0.5 to +0.5
float TrimRoll; // Value of trim in roll axis, -0.5 to +0.5
float TrimYaw; // Value of trim in yaw axis, -0.5 to +0.5
// HSI flags
int hsiBits; // HSI flags
//DED Lines
char DEDLines[5][26]; //25 usable chars
char Invert[5][26]; //25 usable chars
//PFL Lines
char PFLLines[5][26]; //25 usable chars
char PFLInvert[5][26]; //25 usable chars
int UFCTChan, AUXTChan;
// RWR
int RwrObjectCount;
int RWRsymbol[20];
float bearing[20];
unsigned long missileActivity[20];
unsigned long missileLaunch[20];
unsigned long selected[20];
float lethality[20];
//fuel values
float fwd, aft, total;
void SetLightBit (int newBit) {lightBits |= newBit;};
void ClearLightBit (int newBit) {lightBits &= ~newBit;};
int IsSet (int newBit) {return ((lightBits & newBit) ? TRUE : FALSE);};
void SetLightBit2 (int newBit) {lightBits2 |= newBit;};
void ClearLightBit2 (int newBit) {lightBits2 &= ~newBit;};
int IsSet2 (int newBit) {return ((lightBits2 & newBit) ? TRUE : FALSE);};
void SetLightBit3 (int newBit) {lightBits3 |= newBit;};
void ClearLightBit3 (int newBit) {lightBits3 &= ~newBit;};
int IsSet3 (int newBit) {return ((lightBits3 & newBit) ? TRUE : FALSE);};
void SetHsiBit (int newBit) {hsiBits |= newBit;};
void ClearHsiBit (int newBit) {hsiBits &= ~newBit;};
int IsSetHsi (int newBit) {return ((hsiBits & newBit) ? TRUE : FALSE);};
int VersionNum; //Version of Memarea
extern FlightData cockpitFlightData;
here is "flightData.h" file i need to read from...
#ifndef _FLIGHT_DATA_H
#define _FLIGHT_DATA_H
class FlightData
enum LightBits
MasterCaution = 0x1,
// Brow Lights
TF = 0x2,
OBS = 0x4,
ALT = 0x8,
WOW = 0x10, // MD -- NB: this is not a lamp bit!
ENG_FIRE = 0x20,
CONFIG = 0x40,
HYD = 0x80,
OIL = 0x100,
DUAL = 0x200,
CAN = 0x400,
T_L_CFG = 0x800,
// AOA Indexers
AOAAbove = 0x1000,
AOAOn = 0x2000,
AOABelow = 0x4000,
// Refuel/NWS
RefuelRDY = 0x8000,
RefuelAR = 0x10000,
RefuelDSC = 0x20000,
// Caution Lights
FltControlSys = 0x40000,
LEFlaps = 0x80000,
EngineFault = 0x100000,
Overheat = 0x200000,
FuelLow = 0x400000,
Avionics = 0x800000,
RadarAlt = 0x1000000,
IFF = 0x2000000,
ECM = 0x4000000,
Hook = 0x8000000,
NWSFail = 0x10000000,
CabinPress = 0x20000000,
AutoPilotOn = 0x40000000, // MD -- 20031125: is AP on?? NB: This is not a lamp bit!
TFR_STBY = 0x80000000,
// MD 20031016: Use this with the MAL/IND light code in cautions.cpp
// please update this is you add/change bits!
AllLampBitsOn = 0xBFFFFFEF
enum LightBits2
// Threat Warning Prime
HandOff = 0x1,
Launch = 0x2,
PriMode = 0x4,
Naval = 0x8,
Unk = 0x10,
TgtSep = 0x20,
// Aux Threat Warning
AuxSrch = 0x1000,
AuxAct = 0x2000,
AuxLow = 0x4000,
AuxPwr = 0x8000,
// ECM
EcmPwr = 0x10000,
EcmFail = 0x20000,
// Caution Lights
FwdFuelLow = 0x40000,
AftFuelLow = 0x80000,
//Engine lights
EPUOn = 0x100000,
JFSOn = 0x200000,
SEC = 0x400000,
OXY_LOW = 0x800000,
PROBEHEAT = 0x1000000,
SEAT_ARM = 0x2000000,
BUC = 0x4000000,
FUEL_OIL_HOT = 0x8000000,
ANTI_SKID = 0x10000000,
TFR_ENGAGED = 0x20000000,
GEARHANDLE = 0x40000000,
ENGINE = 0x80000000, // lower half of glareshield ENG FIRE/ENGINE lamp
// MD 20031016: Use this with the MAL/IND light code in cautions.cpp
// please update this is you add/change bits!
AllLampBits2On = 0xFFFFF03F
enum LightBits3
FlcsPmg = 0x1,
MainGen = 0x2,
StbyGen = 0x4,
EpuGen = 0x8,
EpuPmg = 0x10,
ToFlcs = 0x20,
FlcsRly = 0x40,
BatFail = 0x80,
Hydrazine = 0x100,
Air = 0x200,
Elec_Fault = 0x400,
Lef_Fault = 0x800,
Power_Off = 0x1000, // Set if there is no electrical power
Eng2_Fire = 0x2000,//TJL 01/24/04 Multi-engine
Lock = 0x4000,//TJL 01/24/04 Lock Light Cue
Shoot = 0x8000,//TJL 01/24/04 Shoot light cue
NoseGearDown = 0x10000, // MD -- 20040301: on means down and locked
LeftGearDown = 0x20000, // MD -- 20040301: on means down and locked
RightGearDown = 0x40000, // MD -- 20040301: on means down and locked
// MD 20031016: Use this with the MAL/IND light code in cautions.cpp
// please update this is you add/change bits!
AllLampBits3On = 0x0007EFFF
enum HsiBits
ToTrue = 0x01, // HSI_FLAG_TO_TRUE
IlsWarning = 0x02, // HSI_FLAG_ILS_WARN
CourseWarning = 0x04, // HSI_FLAG_CRS_WARN
Init = 0x08, // HSI_FLAG_INIT
TotalFlags = 0x10, // HSI_FLAG_TOTAL_FLAGS ???
ADI_OFF = 0x20, // ADI OFF Flag
ADI_AUX = 0x40, // ADI AUX Flag
ADI_GS = 0x80, // ADI GS FLAG
ADI_LOC = 0x100, // ADI LOC FLAG
HSI_OFF = 0x200, // HSI OFF Flag
BUP_ADI_OFF = 0x400, // Backup ADI Off Flag
VVI = 0x800, // VVI OFF Flag
AOA = 0x1000, // AOA OFF Flag
AVTR = 0x2000, // AVTR Light
// MD 20031016: Use this with the MAL/IND light code in cautions.cpp
// please update this is you add/change bits!
AllLampHsiBitsOn = 0x2000
// These are outputs from the sim
float x; // Ownship North (Ft)
float y; // Ownship East (Ft)
float z; // Ownship Down (Ft)
float xDot; // Ownship North Rate (ft/sec)
float yDot; // Ownship East Rate (ft/sec)
float zDot; // Ownship Down Rate (ft/sec)
float alpha; // Ownship AOA (Degrees)
float beta; // Ownship Beta (Degrees)
float gamma; // Ownship Gamma (Radians)
float pitch; // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
float roll; // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
float yaw; // Ownship Pitch (Radians)
float mach; // Ownship Mach number
float kias; // Ownship Indicated Airspeed (Knots)
float vt; // Ownship True Airspeed (Ft/Sec)
float gs; // Ownship Normal Gs
float windOffset; // Wind delta to FPM (Radians)
float nozzlePos; // Ownship engine nozzle percent open (0-100)
float nozzlePos2; // Ownship engine nozzle2 percent open (0-100) //TJL 01/14/04 Multi-engine
float internalFuel; // Ownship internal fuel (Lbs)
float externalFuel; // Ownship external fuel (Lbs)
float fuelFlow; // Ownship fuel flow (Lbs/Hour)
float rpm; // Ownship engine rpm (Percent 0-103)
float rpm2; // Ownship engine rpm2 (Percent 0-103) //TJL 01/14/04 multi-engine
float ftit; // Ownship Forward Turbine Inlet Temp (Degrees C)
float ftit2; // Ownship Forward Turbine Inlet Temp2 (Degrees C)//TJL 01/14/04 multi-engine
float gearPos; // Ownship Gear position 0 = up, 1 = down;
float speedBrake; // Ownship speed brake position 0 = closed, 1 = 60 Degrees open
float epuFuel; // Ownship EPU fuel (Percent 0-100)
float oilPressure; // Ownship Oil Pressure (Percent 0-100)
float oilPressure2; // Ownship Oil Pressure2 (Percent 0-100)//TJL 01/14/04 Multi-engine
int lightBits; // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum
// These are inputs. Use them carefully
float headPitch; // Head pitch offset from design eye (radians)
float headRoll; // Head roll offset from design eye (radians)
float headYaw; // Head yaw offset from design eye (radians)
// new lights
int lightBits2; // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum
int lightBits3; // Cockpit Indicator Lights, one bit per bulb. See enum
// chaff/flare
float ChaffCount; // Number of Chaff left
float FlareCount; // Number of Flare left
// landing gear
float NoseGearPos; // Position of the nose landinggear
float LeftGearPos; // Position of the left landinggear
float RightGearPos; // Position of the right landinggear
// ADI values
float AdiIlsHorPos; // Position of horizontal ILS bar
float AdiIlsVerPos; // Position of vertical ILS bar
// HSI states
int courseState; // HSI_STA_CRS_STATE
int headingState; // HSI_STA_HDG_STATE
int totalStates; // HSI_STA_TOTAL_STATES ???
// HSI values
float courseDeviation; // HSI_VAL_CRS_DEVIATION
float desiredCourse; // HSI_VAL_DESIRED_CRS
float distanceToBeacon; // HSI_VAL_DISTANCE_TO_BEACON
float bearingToBeacon; // HSI_VAL_BEARING_TO_BEACON
float currentHeading; // HSI_VAL_CURRENT_HEADING
float desiredHeading; // HSI_VAL_DESIRED_HEADING
float deviationLimit; // HSI_VAL_DEV_LIMIT
float halfDeviationLimit; // HSI_VAL_HALF_DEV_LIMIT
float localizerCourse; // HSI_VAL_LOCALIZER_CRS
float airbaseX; // HSI_VAL_AIRBASE_X
float airbaseY; // HSI_VAL_AIRBASE_Y
float totalValues; // HSI_VAL_TOTAL_VALUES ???
float TrimPitch; // Value of trim in pitch axis, -0.5 to +0.5
float TrimRoll; // Value of trim in roll axis, -0.5 to +0.5
float TrimYaw; // Value of trim in yaw axis, -0.5 to +0.5
// HSI flags
int hsiBits; // HSI flags
//DED Lines
char DEDLines[5][26]; //25 usable chars
char Invert[5][26]; //25 usable chars
//PFL Lines
char PFLLines[5][26]; //25 usable chars
char PFLInvert[5][26]; //25 usable chars
int UFCTChan, AUXTChan;
// RWR
int RwrObjectCount;
int RWRsymbol[20];
float bearing[20];
unsigned long missileActivity[20];
unsigned long missileLaunch[20];
unsigned long selected[20];
float lethality[20];
//fuel values
float fwd, aft, total;
void SetLightBit (int newBit) {lightBits |= newBit;};
void ClearLightBit (int newBit) {lightBits &= ~newBit;};
int IsSet (int newBit) {return ((lightBits & newBit) ? TRUE : FALSE);};
void SetLightBit2 (int newBit) {lightBits2 |= newBit;};
void ClearLightBit2 (int newBit) {lightBits2 &= ~newBit;};
int IsSet2 (int newBit) {return ((lightBits2 & newBit) ? TRUE : FALSE);};
void SetLightBit3 (int newBit) {lightBits3 |= newBit;};
void ClearLightBit3 (int newBit) {lightBits3 &= ~newBit;};
int IsSet3 (int newBit) {return ((lightBits3 & newBit) ? TRUE : FALSE);};
void SetHsiBit (int newBit) {hsiBits |= newBit;};
void ClearHsiBit (int newBit) {hsiBits &= ~newBit;};
int IsSetHsi (int newBit) {return ((hsiBits & newBit) ? TRUE : FALSE);};
int VersionNum; //Version of Memarea
extern FlightData cockpitFlightData;
- frankriedel
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:45 pm
Re: Reading Shared Memory file
Could you please show me how to read a value from this file ?
Kindly Regards
Kindly Regards
- frank-riedel
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:36 am
Re: Reading Shared Memory file
If the lines of this text files does not change ever (the line number) you can use this example and continue with it:
To read line, just change the int value of the parser (string get at) loader.
To read line, just change the int value of the parser (string get at) loader.
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CoreStylerz - Posts: 327
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Re: Reading Shared Memory file
Thanks ALOT
Looking forward to play with thia after my holyday
Looking forward to play with thia after my holyday
- frankriedel
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:45 pm
Re: Reading Shared Memory file
hmmm.... no - cant use tis one.....
I need to read at a particulier ADDRESS in memory - any help to do this ??
I need to read at a particulier ADDRESS in memory - any help to do this ??
- frank-riedel
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:36 am
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