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Tempo Synced Scope?

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Tempo Synced Scope?

Postby lalalandsynth » Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:18 pm

I would need a tempo synced scope , I realize that it would be cpu intensive but in the VST it would only be used occasionally and for a short while. It is for a Volume envelope generator with a scope display.

I guess a quarter bar or one beat would be sufficient.
It seems (I might be way off) that for the samples displayed on the scope you would divide the bpm with 60 and multiply the sample rate or with 120 bpm , sample rate 44100 .. 60/120x 44100 = 22050 samples for the scope.

Then I would just need to offset the scope to start at the beginning of the window and when stopped I need it to hold the view. I am a noob so this is ambitious , so I am wondering if this is even possible in FS ?

Here is how it works in LFO TOOL. Written in c++ , engaging the scope is cpu intensive.
The scope syncs in 1/4 bars or one beat which is very convenient when tweaking the envelopes.
When I push stop in the DAW , the waveform is held which is very nice. Gives you time to tweak the envelope and no cpu used and no audio running.Scope is only engaged for a short while and turned off 97% of the time. ;)
Synced Scope.jpg
Synced Scope.jpg (100.83 KiB) Viewed 12708 times

I am also thinking about a compressor with a waveform view and a superimposed gain reduction envelope,or an envelope follower which shows the rectified envelope and it visually syncs with what you hear although this is NOT the same thing as the SYNCED SCOPE but I would like to know if I can make the waveform start at the beginning of the window rather then start at the end of the window ?

It is done like this(see pic) on the Fabfilter Compressor and I found something similar and seems to work just fine , but yes, would like to know if I can offset to make the waveform start at the beginning of the window.

If I could do that , I could use this as a starting point "scope" for the Tempo synced scope although I would prefer the whole waveform and not just the positive going part ...if I am correct?
I would also need to make sure that it holds this 1/4 until the next 1/4 bar ..I think ...brain farting here .. :P
Waveform view.jpg
Waveform view.jpg (65.76 KiB) Viewed 12708 times

Hope I am making sense ? Essentially I would like to achieve this .
SYNC.jpg (44.85 KiB) Viewed 12706 times

Any ideas? Has this been done already ? Can it be done ?
Any modules I can use as a starting point
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Re: Tempo Synced Scope?

Postby lalalandsynth » Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:22 pm

Can I show a longer section of audio on the scope without increasing the sample rate of the scope?
Something like a lower resolution scope ?

I am imagining a situation where I could have a lower resolution scope and use a "sample and hold" or something to hold the scope for a certain number of samples or 1 beat or so , and then refresh for the next beat ?
Something like that , I do not have the skills for this yet .

I get this with the scope set at 44100 , but its not in sync , It just looks like its in sync every now and then. Got lucky on the screenshot .
Obviously I cannot run the scope at 44100 but I would love to achieve this .
Sync 44100.jpg
Sync 44100.jpg (82.23 KiB) Viewed 12679 times
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Re: Tempo Synced Scope?

Postby Wassaka » Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:21 pm

Take a look at the last post I posted, there I made a synced largescope. You have the option to select the amount of beats you want to enter in the window, by default it is 1.
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Re: Tempo Synced Scope?

Postby lalalandsynth » Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:20 pm

Sweet ! Testing
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