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Freeze on startup

For general discussion related FlowStone

Freeze on startup

Postby unkargherth » Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:14 pm

OK. Sequential Scenario

Downloaded and installed FS3
Executed FS3. No problems
Added a new module to library ( from modifying a stock one)
No file saving
Closed FS3
Installed audiopack and dsppack
Start FS3 >> Freeze ( no loading of tags bar nor filter bar)
Changed config to start with empty schematic
Closed FS3
Start FS3 >> Freeze ( no loading of tags bar nor filter bar)

The menus seem to work, also do the module/library bar

Free your memory, .. with a free(). Like a pointer
Cast a pointer into an integer and it becomes the integer...
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A pointer can overflow... or can crash...
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Re: Freeze on startup

Postby support » Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:31 pm

Sounds like something has got corrupted with your install?

Have you tried uninstalling and trying again?

If this doesn't fix it then maybe the writing to the registry process was interrupted and is now corrupted. You can try deleting the reg key:

Is it crashing or does it just fail to start?

If you can see FlowStone.exe in Task Manager but don't see the application window then try this:

First make sure you kill any instances of FlowStone you see in the task manager
Click the Windows Start button, type RegEdit in the search box and press return (click Yes on the security dialog)
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DSPRobotics
Expand this node to reveal the FlowStone node underneath
Right-click on FlowStone and select Delete. You will be asked to confirm this.
Now close RegEdit and run FlowStone again

Note that this will reset your FlowStone preferences back to defaults.
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Re: Freeze on startup

Postby unkargherth » Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:39 pm

Already solved. Don't know how. I simply waited 2 hours and restarted...

Anyway I try to answer your questions so you'll be able to document the issue

( maybe a bug/issue tracking system would be a good idea?)
support wrote:Sounds like something has got corrupted with your install?
Have you tried uninstalling and trying again?
If this doesn't fix it then maybe the writing to the registry process was interrupted and is now corrupted. You can try
deleting the reg key:

No I didn't unistalled
support wrote:Is it crashing or does it just fail to start?

It starts. Menu is responsive. But it doesn't load (nor Try to load ) module bar nor fiter bar
support wrote:If you can see FlowStone.exe in Task Manager but don't see the application window then try this:

First make sure you kill any instances of FlowStone you see in the task manager
Click the Windows Start button, type RegEdit in the search box and press return (click Yes on the security dialog)
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DSPRobotics
Expand this node to reveal the FlowStone node underneath
Right-click on FlowStone and select Delete. You will be asked to confirm this.
Now close RegEdit and run FlowStone again

Note that this will reset your FlowStone preferences back to defaults.

I can see and interact with the FS3 window without problems, so I Suspect it appears in the task manager. It's just menu bar and filter bar not loading at all. And even not drawing area ( so you can see the window below through it
Free your memory, .. with a free(). Like a pointer
Cast a pointer into an integer and it becomes the integer...
Cast a pointer into a struct and it becomes the struct...
A pointer can overflow... or can crash...
Be a pointer my friend
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