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Components number exceeded ?

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Components number exceeded ?

Postby unkargherth » Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:23 pm

Have anybody noticed that with the current component limits it's imposible to load even the SM example synth without exceeding the ridiculous 5000 component limit ?

Has anybody took into account how many components there are in a basic , non-bitmap knob?

This is a capture of SM stock vector knob statistics
knob-stats.PNG (41.21 KiB) Viewed 21989 times

So if if use 11 knobs doing nothing I exceed the component Limit? Seriously ?
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Re: Components number exceeded ?

Postby support » Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:23 pm

With FlowStone V3 the component count has been vastly reduced for many of the modules, so for FlowStone FREE it is very usable with the 5000 component limit, the full version has no limits.

For example a new Static Knob has only 83 components vs the old SM one @ 455

If you use the new stuff it will work much better.

You can go limit free by buying the full version here:
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Re: Components number exceeded ?

Postby unkargherth » Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:01 pm

support wrote:With FlowStone V3 the component count has been vastly reduced for many of the modules, so for FlowStone FREE it is very usable with the 5000 component limit, the full version has no limits.

For example a new Static Knob has only 83 components vs the old SM one @ 455

If you use the new stuff it will work much better.

Ooohh. Fine then. I'll wait to be able to port my around 750 modules and more 1250 osm library to "new vastly reduced module count" to be able to continue working </irony: off>

1.- Sorry but "Importing SM modules" it's supposed to be a "Feature" to make old SM users WANT to migrate to FS3. Do you really suppose that i should convert near anything i did ( or downloaded because its interesting ) since 2005, just to be able to test if the new system fits my needs and it's worth the price

2.- Ok. It's only a knob, but.. are you sure that same wouldn't happen with more complex setups, where you cannot simply substitute some part as easily as changing a knob for another?

3.- What it's worst... All of this worked without problem in SM free version. So beign myself a SM registered user. are you telling me that you brand new product , which is supposed to substitute SM, couldn't be tested with something that every free user in SM world could do ? Nice policy....

The problem is simple. You (and mean company, not you) though that, as the modules in FS3 are much powerful , you need to limit low so nobody could take profit of using your product for free. I can argue that.. but here and now it isn't the place and the moment. But nobody though that for me, and most of possible SM >> FS3 users it's much more important to be able to migrate transparently all of our library in the very first moment than to have a super- powerful module that encapsulates the functionality of hundred of them

I don't expect any solution, knowing by hand how Outsim, now DSPRobotics used to manage their user base. I was doubting between moving to FS3 (non-free) or not. Now the NOT option is winning a bit more....

Make extensive this message to anyone that could be interested inside the company

And.... nothing of above goes against you. You're only doing your job... pretty well in my opinion..

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Re: Components number exceeded ?

Postby support » Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:23 pm

That's correct, we had to reduce the component limit because the old limit would be too high for anyone new coming to the software - they would have far too much freedom for what is effectively evaluation software.

However, the limit only applies when you try to add something, it doesn't stop you loading old files that exceed the limit. So you can load existing schematics in the FREE edition and test that they work.
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Re: Components number exceeded ?

Postby trogluddite » Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:03 pm

support wrote:So you can load existing schematics in the FREE edition and test that they work

And you are not locked out of editing - it is possible to remove stuff to make room for replacements, or to copy/paste modules into a new build in another workspace, or put stuff in the toolbox.
All schematics/modules I post are free for all to use - but a credit is always polite!
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Re: Components number exceeded ?

Postby Nubeat7 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:53 pm

anyway there just opens a window which tells you that you are over the limit, just close it! ... its just annoying that its popping up by every new module you put into your scematic, but how i can remember you can save your project the normal way, as fsm (i`m already on the full version so please correct me if i remember wrong) but i tried all my sm projects which are way bigger than 5000 and every single osm worked normal in fs3 free, exactly like in sm (enterprise), there are just the other "free version limitations" like no export as vst, just one output, .... and if you want to export it as vst, just buy some credits for 12 bugs and you can use your vst...
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Re: Components number exceeded ?

Postby infuzion » Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:23 pm

SM2's component count is bugged; I assume it is for FlowStone also.
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Re: Components number exceeded ?

Postby jjs » Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:08 pm

Probably you need 5 times less as before it was 25000 and now 5000 components

as 455/83=5.48

Are all components equally reduced?

Then when working on an old schematic you'll have to change all old to new components or you'll be trough quickly.
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