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Installation Glitches

For general discussion related FlowStone

Installation Glitches

Postby rlr » Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:44 am

I had minor glitches during installation of FS free 3.0.0 while evaluating FS:
Environment: WIN 7, working with user account, no administrator rights.
-> Install FS
Installer uses UAC; a "login as administrator" dialog is shown.
-> choose administrator account and enter password
Installer installs FS
Now installer has created a folder C:\Users\<administrator account>\AppData\Roaming\Flowstone with subfolder .\Modules and .\Tags
-> Start Flowstone
FS displays no modules and empty tag list
Since installer was running using an administrator account the files are in the "wrong" profile.

Workaround: copy folder C:\Users\<administrator account>\AppData\Roaming\Flowstone to C:\Users\<my account>\AppData\Roaming\Flowstone

Suggestion: create folder and files on FS startup when not available.

Same problem when installing the module packs (audiopack, dsppack,...): should better install into my profile folder. The UAC dialog makes no sense here.
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Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:17 pm

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