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I support 64Bit development

For general discussion related FlowStone

Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby jjs » Sat Aug 09, 2014 2:44 pm

If think this whole idea is stupid.
I think Outsim should have a better marketing strategy.
Thay now do it like Philips did it in the past, like with VCR/Video2000 system, the best videtape system there was, good quality, super stil picture (not shaky like VHS), you could turn the video so you would have twice the time and still have better picture than Betamax or VHS. But the marketing was so bad, that VHS won (Rumours go Philips did not want P*rn on V2000 so....that was the greatest selling market.)

You now pay 140,- for 32 bit once a year (wtih one mayor update also once a year, so could also buy it once a year when there is something interesting in it)
Then pay 280,- for 64 bit.
Do more smaller update/fixes per year and keep the customer happy, that faults are being solved. They are happy, they have a new version and is worth their money.
Do a mayor update once a year when you have some new and interesting to add to the product so people want to renew their subscription.
Only doing it like it is now will decrease the amount of customers (except people who just discover this, but they will get at the same point).
Do an online course (free for customers or extra paid) for Ruby in Flowstone to get people more going, as there are differences between Ruby course and the usage in Flowstone. Now Ruby is available, read the user manual and seek it out for yourself. Better is to have more online help, ideas and examples of how to integrate and use it more on several issues like Robotics/Music/Measuring etc.
I think there are people enough who do not get it started right using Ruby in Flowstone.
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby Perfect Human Interface » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:38 pm

I've always wanted to put money towards Flowstone. I just need to be able to finish a project worthy of exporting to VST before I can do so. I need bug fixes, actual updates, and responses to my support emails wouldn't hurt. And at the direction things are going, I need 64 bit.

What I cannot do is pay money in hopes that development will continue at an appreciable rate.

What I can do is pay money after development has continued and there are tangible fixes/features I can see are worth paying for.

Despite my frustrations I really love Flowstone and I want it to continue to be a thing into the future. If there was an equal/better alternative though that I could see progress in I would probably go for that at this point.
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby CoreStylerz » Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:12 pm

@Perfect Human Interface I HAVE the same opinion.
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby CoreStylerz » Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:03 am

I'm constantly receiving question about 64 bit plugins..
Ok that with flowstone you can only stay in Windows market, but at least make us available the entire Win market!
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby RJHollins » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:38 pm

I get the same thing .... 64-bit :|

Seems everyone is running 64 except me :roll:
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby JB_AU » Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:41 pm

I support x64 if it's needed.

I know don't write a story, ok! I try not too!

Which is more essential though x64 or LAA? (Large address awareness).

(32bit) can access 2gb memory on x64 no LAA
(32bit) can access 4gb memory on x64 with LAA
"Per process"
>4gb there is something wrong unless your into intensive graphics?

Most parts of FS that matter seems to be assembler, which is real class, mixing ruby & C , hmmm!

/laa is a switch on the compiler!

That mash we call a schematic is wrapped up into exe.dll (exe.exe(try it!) & vst.dll (??).

There's really only one language faster than asm , binary (yes binary is a language) + (think missile guidance systems)

x64 is a complete rewrite :(
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby CoreStylerz » Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:05 pm

There's no dense on 64 bit plugins most of the time.

The problem is.. Im loosing tons of customers for that stupid 64 bit!!

Call them noobs, youre rigth.
But for commercial prospective 64 bit kills, and will kill also flowstone as a audio plugin Dev tool.
Sure I won't support flowstone 32 bit more..
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby tester » Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:51 pm

If you have tons of customers for your products, then you have enough money to hire someone, who would port your applications into x64, OSX and whatever else. This is how it works in practice.

...or add there some stupid 64bit operations and tell your customers, that your plugins are 64bit, but compatible with 32bit as well. Do you think they notice the difference if your app works fast enough or produces extraordinary effects? :mrgreen:
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby CoreStylerz » Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:01 pm

tester wrote:If you have tons of customers for your products, then you have enough money to hire someone, who would port your applications into x64, OSX and whatever else. This is how it works in practice.

...or add there some stupid 64bit operations and tell your customers, that your plugins are 64bit, but compatible with 32bit as well. Do you think they notice the difference if your app works fast enough or produces extraordinary effects? :mrgreen:

Tons is an exxaggeration. But a lot of people.
Are you seriously able to produce music? ;)
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Re: I support 64Bit development

Postby tester » Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:09 pm

Sure, I see no problem, and that's the point. I even prefer older software sometimes, because not all updates have the quality.

Did you noticed, that for x64 are asking also people who don't even know what it means? And what if you told them, that you are so genius, that you were able to achieve the same great performance in 32bit architecture as x64 offers? (only other programmers would tell you something funny about your programming). Do something with your marketing.
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