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Bobs Digital Sequencer

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Bobs Digital Sequencer

Postby BobF » Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:05 pm

Bobs DigitalSequencerV5.fsm
(309.82 KiB) Downloaded 1092 times

Hello gang,

Well after posting viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6659, I finally finished my version.
PLEASE let me know what you think of it and how you would improve on it, again please. Its an old school type sequencer with 16 steps and a few other bells and whistles added. Starting at the top upper left is the speed control, there are 10 settings and should be used along with the divider setting on the right and 1 down. Just above it is the direction control, then 3 down is the numbers of sound oscillators, then step or smooth, used along with the smooth value knob, then the wave form type for the lfo , and last the lfo selection type. There is an envelope control for the filter and a Filter Mod Gain that are to be used in conjunction with each other. To the right of the lfo controls is a phase mod knob with a on/off button (use it sparingly, it can produce a lot of distortion). To the right of this button is a Feedback knob. It will speed up the stepping but in an odd way depending on your slider (note) settings. Going down to the next row is the delay controls, reverb, a ring modulator (with analog or digital). The 2 or 3 button selects osc 2 or 3. Lastly there is a cross fader knob. Even though this is mono there is a stereo effect when modulating the cross fader. To get started set the Run/Stop switch to stop (gray), then press the Kill Audio button a couple of times, till you are are step 1. Next set Oscillators to 1 Osc and all octaves to zero. Now you can set the note to your liking, by moving the slider and viewing the note display (also the frequency display if so desired). Then just press the step button to continue to the next step and repeat. I have provided 7 presets for you to try out and also learn from (best to try them first). If the thing ever locks or what ever press the kill audio button a few times , move a knob or two, then press the kill button again.

Ok then have fun and PLEASE leave those comments.

Cheers, BobF.....
Posts: 598
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:54 pm

Re: Bobs Digital Sequencer

Postby Spogg » Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:52 pm

Hi Bob

I've had a look at this and played around and I do like the idea.
There's a few changes that I think would make it easier to use and more appealing:

-The manual Step needs to be plus and minus because it's a pain having to always start at zero. Even better would be if you could click on a slider or LED and set the pitch that way.

-The sliders for pitch have, in my opinion, too wide a range. Since you can tune the oscillators, it might be better to have say a 2 octave range and a range switch for each slider. The sliders need to travel over a range of pitch values, say 47 to 72 to describe the note numbers then use pitch to 0-1 to get the correct frequency values. This would give a musically linear response to the sliders.

- I was confused by the blue switches for 2,4,8,16. I assume this gives the amount of steps but if you have them all on, then deselect say 4, you get odd behaviour. But maybe I'm missing something there. If not, a simple drop menu may be better.

- The green step position LEDs' schematics seem over complex and they don't update as reliably as I'd like. Could you maybe use Mono to Float ticking at 100 (possibly packed in fours) then use regular LEDs from the outputs?

I hope you will develop this more, possibly having a BPM controlled from the host as a plugin. That would also be nice.


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